
What Is Refractive Eye Surgery? What Does Refractive Laser Surgery Mean?

Refractive surgery is also known as “myopia surgery,” but it is a surgical correction in those with myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia. The best-known methods are PRK and LASIK refractive surgeries, where the cornea (the transparent part at the front of the eye) is remodeled using a special laser (Excimer Laser). The new format of the cornea will play the role of glasses and contact lenses, causing the image to form properly on the retina (back of the eye).

Why Is Laser Refractive Surgery Used?

Laser refractive surgery, or “myopia surgery,” eliminates or reduces dependence on the use of glasses and contact lenses in those with myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia.

What Is Prk Refractive Surgery?

PRK refractive surgery is a laser surgery to correct myopia, astigmatism, hyperopia, and presbyopia. In PRK surgery, the epithelium (cells on the cornea’s surface) is removed, and the laser is applied to remodel the shape of the cornea.

What Is Lasik Refractive Surgery?

LASIK refractive surgery is another method of laser surgery to correct nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, and presbyopia. In lasik eye surgery, a flap is made on the cornea’s surface, the laser is applied, and the cornea is covered by the flap again.

When To Do Prk Or Lasik Refractive Surgery?

Laser refractive surgery should be performed when you want to reduce or eliminate dependence on the use of glasses and contact lenses. It is performed from 18 – 21 years of age on those with regular eyeglasses for at least 1 year.

Who Can Have Prk Or Lasik Refractive Surgery?

Laser refractive surgery can be done:

Who wants to reduce dependence on the use of glasses and contact lenses

From 18 – 21 years of age with stable eyeglasses for at least 1 year

The cornea must have the surface, thickness, and curvature suitable for the treatment (assessed by corneal topography)

Not having serious eye diseases such as corneal infection, advanced glaucoma, uncontrolled diabetes

not be pregnant

You should know that some residual degree may remain even after a successful refractive surgery.

What Is The Difference Between Prk And Lasik Refractive Surgery?

Laser refractive surgery with kraff eye institute for example is a surgery for nearsightedness, astigmatism, farsightedness, and presbyopia. The two main techniques are PRK and LASIK. In PRK surgery, the epithelium (cells on the cornea’s surface) is removed, and the laser is applied to remodel the shape of the cornea. In LASIK surgery, a flap is made on the cornea’s surface, the laser is applied, and the cornea is covered by the flap again.
