
Ways to Keep your Elderly Loved One’s Blood Pressure at a Healthy Level

High blood pressure is a dangerous condition associated with various health issues. It also exacerbates dementia, stroke and heart conditions. Fortunately, high blood pressure can be addressed. Providers of in home care services can help seniors manage their blood pressure by ensuring they practice a healthy lifestyle. If you are caring for an aging loved one, here’s how to keep their blood pressure at a healthy level:

Ensure they Eat Meals Low in Sodium

Processed foods are usually filled with lots of sodium. It is best to prepare home-cooked meals for your loved ones as you can control the amount of salt you should put on the foods. You can season vegetables, plain meats and grains with spices and herbs to ensure flavor without having to use plenty of sodium.

Make Exercising an Exciting Activity

Staying physically active is essential to reduce blood pressure levels. Older adults who are taking blood pressure medications may be advised to stop their meds altogether when they exercise regularly. Exercise helps in lowering systolic blood pressure as it strengthens the circulatory system. But, a lot of aging people don’t exercise as they don’t find it comfortable or exciting. Making exercise enjoyable and fun for your senior encourages them to perform the activity on a regular basis.

Monitor their Calorie Intake

A lot of elderly people have high blood pressure as they are overweight. The rise in blood pressure is caused by the stress to carry around excess weight. Thus, you have to help your loved one lose weight when needed. Eating fewer calories than they burn every day can help them achieve this. Keep track of how much calories they take every day and you will be helping your loved one lead a healthy life in the end.

Help them Reduce their Stress

Blood pressure can be caused by a person’s physical and emotional state. Stress can make the body feel threatened, causing the blood pressure to spike. Spend time talking to your senior loved one to know if they are stressed and what’s causing it. After understanding the cause, work with them in resolving their issues and give them assurance that no matter what challenges they go through, you are always there for them. Sometimes, stress comes from the feeling of being alone and neglected.

Offering care for your senior loved one can be hard without assistance. In case you need to take a break from caregiving to focus on your own needs, think about hiring a professional caregiver to attend to the needs of your loved one.
