
An Overview Of Bioidentical Hormone Therapy: Things Worth Knowing!

Natural hormone production is affected by various factors, right from age and diet to health conditions. Depleted hormones can be replenished using hormone therapy. Bioidentical hormones, as the name indicates, are identical to the natural hormones produced by the body at the molecular level, and experts agree that this is a safer option than synthetic hormones. The purpose of bioidentical hormone therapy is to ensure that the body gets the hormones that are not being produced naturally for different reasons. In this post, we are taking a quick look at different aspects of bioidentical hormone therapy.

What exactly are bioidentical hormones?

Before we talk of other aspects, it is important to understand that bioidentical hormones are manmade hormones. However, these are produced to molecularly match human hormones. Bioidentical hormone therapy can be considered for men and women like. As of now, a bunch of bioidentical hormones have been approved by the FDA. Some bioidentical hormones are premade by drug companies, but some are made to order, depending on the needs of the patient. In case of bioidentical hormone therapy, doctors may recommend anything from creams, pills and gels to vaginal inserts and sprays, depending on the facts of the case.

When to consider bioidentical hormone therapy?

Typically, bioidentical hormone therapy is considered when there is a reduction in estrogen, progesterone and testosterone in men and women. Reduction of these hormones can cause a bunch of side effects or symptoms, which can be minimized using bioidentical hormone therapy. If you are a woman who is dealing with menopause symptoms, or have symptoms like vaginal dryness, loss of interest in sex, hot flashes, pain during sex and foggy thinking, you can visit a clinic for knowing more if bioidentical hormone therapy can help you.

How long will take for bioidentical hormone therapy to work?

It depends on many factors, but typically, you should be able to witness the changes in symptoms in about three to four weeks. It should be noted that this kind of therapy works differently for different people. Always consult your doctor in advance to know if bioidentical hormone therapy is the ideal choice for your case. The cost of hormone replacement is typically not covered under insurance, so check for the expenses involved in advance.

Also, your doctor should be able to explain the possible side effects or risks of the treatment, although this is considered to be a safe option for most cases.
