
What you Should know about Tooth Infections

A toothache can come with debilitating pain which often results from a deeper tissue. It can be caused by a tooth infection leading to sensitivity, soreness, or sharp pains in the mouth. Understanding the common cause of tooth infection and how to eliminate the pain it comes with can help you avoid getting such infection.

Common Signs and Symptoms of Tooth Infection

Your tooth may be infected if it sores or throbs. If you don’t address this problem, it can result in redness, swelling, and even high fever. Also, your mouth may experience a foul taste or bad breath which does not go away no matter how many times you brush your teeth or rinse your mouth with mouthwash.  Sometimes, your tooth might be broken; however, infections can usually go undetected without obvious signs other than swelling and pain. You can tell that an infection has developed if you have a swelling cheek, throbbing toothache, high fever, and other signs. If you experience serious signs such as fever and difficulty swallowing or breathing, you must seek medical attention right away. This could indicate an infection has spread into the jawbone and surrounding areas. Also, visit a dentist in peoria, az for solutions to deal with your other symptoms.

Causes of Tooth Infection

Experts say that the majority of tooth infections result from a cracked tooth or untreated tooth decay. As bacteria penetrate the enamel, they can infect the nerves of the tooth’s pulp tissue, leading to an abscess. When your teeth are abscessed, you must see your dentist immediately to avoid more complications. Your tooth can become abscessed because of the sensitive tissue in your teeth that are susceptible to infection. If the infection reaches the jawbone, you may need to undergo extensive oral surgery.

Treatments for Tooth Infections

When you visit your dentist to get your tooth infection treated, they will begin by cleaning out the infection before repairing the affected tooth. This procedure is called a root canal. This procedure involves drilling the tooth, removing the infection, cleaning out the canal with an antibacterial solution, and placing a crown over the tooth to protect the tooth.

How to Prevent a Tooth Infection

Your dental treatment plan must include preventing an infection from happening in the first place. While you cannot always avoid broken teeth, you can prevent cavities by practicing good oral habits. Brush and floss your teeth at least two times every day to get rid of bacteria which can infiltrate the enamel and result in dental decay. Also, visit your doctor regularly for checkups.

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